I call upon You, Lord, God of Abraham and God of Isaac and God of Jacob and Israel, You who are the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the God who, through the abundance of your mercy, was well-pleased towards us so that we may know You, who made heaven and earth, who rules over all, You who are the one and the true God, above whom there is no other God; You who, by our Lord Jesus Christ gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit, give to every one who reads this writing to know You, that You alone are God, to be strengthened in You, and to avoid every heretical and godless and impious teaching.

St Irenaeus of Lyons, Against the Heresies 3:6:4


A. Your only comfort of man in life and death, Q 1
B. The three necessary conditions for apprehending this comfort: divisions, Q 2
            1. (Guilt / Sin) Man’s misery (Q 3—11)
            2. (Grace / Salvation) Man’s deliverance (Q 12—85)
            3. (Gratitude / Sanctification) Man’s gratitude for this deliverance (Q 86—129)

A. The source of the knowledge of man’s misery (Q 3—5)
            1. The pedagogical work of the law, Q 3
            2. The requirements of the law, Q 4
            3. Man’s moral inability to keep the law, Q 5
B. The creation of man, Q 6
C. The origin of human depravity, Q 7
D. The extent of human depravity, Q 8
E. The responsibility of man, Q 9
F. The punishment of sin (Q 10—11)
            1. God’s righteous judgment of sin, Q 10
            2. The mercy and justice of God, Q 11

A. The deliverance of man, (Q 12—14)
            1. God’s justice must be satisfied, Q 12
            2. The human inability to make such a satisfaction, Q 13
            3. No creature whatever able to make satisfaction, Q 14
B. The only Mediator between God and man, the Lord Jesus Christ (Q 15—18)
            1. The sort of mediator required, Q 15
            2. Of human nature, perfectly righteous, Q 16
            3. Of divine nature, necessary, Q 17
            4. Identity of the Mediator, Q 18
C. The Holy Gospel, Q 19
D. The extent of our salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ, Q 20
E. True faith, Q 21
F. The Apostles’ Creed (Q 22—58)
            1. The irreducible essentials of the Faith, Q 22
            2. The Creed, twelve articles, Q 23
            3. The Creed, its tripartite divisions, Q 24
G. The Holy Trinity, Q 25
1. God the Father, Q 26
a. The Providence of God, Q 27
b. The benefits of divine Providence, Q 28
2. God the Son; His name Jesus, Q 29
a. His title Christ, Q 31
            i. As Prophet
            ii. As Priest
            iii. As King
b. The name Christians, Q 32
c. Jesus, Son of God; Christians, sons of God, Q 33
d. His title Lord, Q 34
e. His assumption of human nature (Q 35—36)
            i. His virginal conception, Q 35
            ii. How his virginal conception profits us, Q 36
f. His sufferings, death, and burial (Q 37—43)
            i. That he “suffered,” Q 37
            ii. The judgment under “Pontius Pilate,” Q 38
            iii. Significance of “crucified, Q 39
            iv. Necessity of suffering “unto death,” Q 40
            v. That he was “buried,” Q 41
            vi. Why Christians still suffer death, Q 42
            vii. Benefits of Jesus’ cross-work, Q 43
g. His descent into hell, Q 44
h. His resurrection from the dead, Q 45
i. His ascension into heaven (Q 46—49)
            i. His ascension, Q 46
ii. Christ’s presence unto the end of the age, Q 47
iii. Christ’s two natures, respecting his presence, Q 48
iv. How Christ’s ascension profits us, Q 49
j. His sitting at the right hand of God (Q 50—51)
            i. Christ at God’s “right hand,” Q 50
            ii. How Christ’s exaltation unto glory profits us, Q 51
k. His coming again to judge the quick and the dead, Q 52
3. God the Holy Ghost, Q 53
4. The Christian Church, Q 54
5. The Communion of Saints, Q 56
6. The Resurrection of the Body, Q 57
7. Eternal Life, Q 58
H. Man’s Justification (Q 59—64)
            1. How wholehearted belief in the articles of the Creed profits us, Q 59
            2. How we are righteous before God: faith only, Q 60
                        a. Why righteousness is by faith only, Q 61
                        b. Why good works cannot ground our righteousness before God, Q 62
                        c. Of good works and rewards, Q 63
                        d. Does justification by faith only lead to antinomianism, Q 64
I. The Holy Sacraments (Q 65—68)
            1. The source of this saving faith, Q 65
            2. What are the sacraments, Q 66
            3. Christ’s cross-work the object of the sacraments, Q 67
            4. The number of sacraments instituted by Christ, Q 68
5. Baptism (Q 69—74)
            a. How baptism assures us of our apprehension of Christ’s benefits, Q 69
                        i. What it means to be washed by Christ’s blood and Spirit, Q 70
                        ii. The promise of baptism, Q 71
            b. The efficacy of the external rite and elements, Q 72
            c. The biblical language of baptism, Q 73
            d. The question of paedobaptism, Q 74
2. The Lord’s Supper (Q 75—82)
            a. How the Lord’s Supper assures us of Christ’s benefits to us, Q 75
                        i. What the eating and drinking signify, Q 76
                        ii. The promise of the Lord’s Supper, Q 77
            b. The real substance of the elements, Q 78
            c. The biblical language concerning the Lord’s Supper, Q 79
            d. The Lord’s Supper and the Romish mass delineated, Q 80
                        i. For whom the Lord’s Supper was instituted, Q 81
                        ii. The characteristics of those unworthy to partake, Q 82
J. The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven (Q 83—85)
            1. The constitution of the keys of the Kingdom, Q 83
                        i. The preaching of the gospel
                        ii. Church discipline
            2. How the Kingdom if open and closed through the gospel, Q 84
            3. How the Kingdom is open and closed through discipline, Q 85

A. Good works and true conversion (Q 86—91)
            1. If all is of grace, why good works, Q 86
            2. Are they saved, who continue in a life of wickedness, Q 87
            3. The twofold manner of true conversion, Q 88
                        a. Of the mortification of the old man, Q 89
                        b. Of the quickening of the new man, Q 90
            4. Genuine good works defined, Q 91
                        a. Borne out of true faith in God
                        b. Done according to the law of God
                        c. Directed to the glory of God
B. The Ten Commandments (Q 92—115)
1. The law of God defined and presented, Q 92
2. The two tables of the Ten Commandments, Q 93
3. The first table—our duty to God
a. The first Commandment (Q 94—95)
            i. Prescriptions, Q 94
            ii. Idolatry defined, Q 95
b. The second Commandment (Q 96—98)
            i. Prescriptions, Q 96
            ii. The question of images, Q 97
            iii. The question of images in the church, Q 98
c. The third Commandment (Q 99—102)
            i. Prescriptions, Q 99
            ii. God’s holy jealousy for his Name, Q 100
            iii. The question of swearing religiously, Q 101
            iv. The question of swearing by any other than God, Q 102
d. The fourth Commandment; prescriptions, Q 103
4. The second table—our duty to our fellow man
a. The fifth Commandment; prescriptions, Q 104
b. The sixth Commandment (Q 105—108)
            i. Prohibitions, Q 105
            ii. The scope of the Commandment, Q 106
            iii. Prescriptions, Q 107
c. The seventh Commandment (Q 108—109)
            i. What is taught us in this Commandment, Q 108
            ii. The scope of the Commandment, Q 109
d. The eighth Commandment (Q 110—111)
            i. Prohibitions, Q 110
            ii. Prescriptions, Q 111
e. The ninth Commandment: prescriptions & prohibitions, Q 112
f. The tenth Commandment: prohibitions & prescriptions, Q 113
5. The inability of Man to keep the law of God perfectly (Q 114—115)
            a. The question of the converted keeping the whole law perfectly, Q 114
            b. Reasons for God having the Commandments preached strictly, Q 115
                        i. That the converted may better apprehend their sinful nature
                        ii. Understanding our need for forgiveness, Christ’s righteousness
                        iii. Drive us to seek the grace of the Holy Spirit
                        iv. Strive for the perfection gained in the age to come
C. Prayer in general (Q 116—118)
            1. Why prayer is a necessary discipline for Christians, Q 116
            2. The requisites for acceptable prayer before God, Q 117
            3. What God has commanded that we seek of him in prayer, Q 118
D. The Lord’s Prayer (Q 119—129)
            1. The Prayer presented, Q 119
2. The preface to the Lord’s Prayer (Q 120—121)
            a. “Our Father,” Q 120
            b. “Which art in heaven,” Q 121
3. The first petition, Q 122
4. The second petition, Q 123
5. The third petition, Q 124
6. The fourth petition, Q 125
7. The fifth petition, Q 126
8. The sixth petition, Q 127
9. The conclusion of the Lord’s Prayer (Q 128—129)
            a. Doxological conclusion, Q 128
            b. “Amen,” Q 129

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